Nineveh Academic Chair
Second International Congress

Assyrian Language, History and Identity. Why it matters?

Salamanca 11-13 Sep 2023

At our Second International Congress the scholars will address three main topics: Assyrian Language, History and Identity. The aim of this Congress is to continue working in the scientific field that the Assyrian people need most: Education in its linguistic, historical and identity process.

We continue working on the main fields related to the Assyrian legacy as a whole. This will allow us to research and discuss from an academic point of view, upon the main activities that the Nineveh Chair has launched during the First Edition of its main conference.

The Nineveh Chair has these three fields as the main pillars of its research initiative. Invited experts in the three mentioned fields are invited to discuss and present the topics highlighted in the Programme. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in lectures given on behalf of reknown experts in language and history as well as specialists in identity.

The venue for the congress is the University of Salamanca, where the Nineveh Academic Chair was officially founded in 2020 to promote the study of the Assyrian linguistic, historical and cultural legacy. Very soon you will be provided with detailed information upon the programme of the Congress.

Nineveh Academic Chair First International Congress